Sometimes I just sit and stare at him while he is watching t.v. or fixing something. I am really SEEing the gray hairs coming in his beard and the really big & deep lines on the sides of his eyes that have come from so much smiling and laughing. I absolutely adore this man. He is teaching me so much lately, as we have long talks about life and how it is changing for us and drawing us even closer together....
And whilte he talks I stare at him....he is perfection to me, of the most imperfect kind.....I think...holy moley...we have been through a lot together and it is engraved on our faces...and starting to make it's own little art project...or map...right on our faces....lines are appearing...and age spots....I love that we are getting them together......both of us are looking older this year and somehow it is o.k.
I want to tell you about this clock...
But first I want to tell you how cool and wonderful it is that he has spent the last few months working his tushy off getting a shop all set up. You see, there is nothing fancy schmancy about my husband. He is a working man. He craves and loves a simple life. He has done all that he can to make all of my big dreams come true...but he is all about the simple life.......he loves to work, he loves to serve in his community, he loves to build things and fix things. He works a ton....usually with our little boys by his side, or one of our daughters....
I stopped to see him the other day, and because my eyes have been opened more and more to all of the little miracles in life, the less screen time I have...I looked around and saw so much much of HIS SOUL. This place embodies so much of who he is....I love these photos...
These are some old metal drawers from his grandfather's service station:
Marq's Granddad, who is his hero, died a few months back and before he got really sick, he invited Marq to work in his shop. In his younger years, he owned the service station in town, he was the fire chief, and he had a ranch. His shop is full of his old tools, and cool things from his service this clock. The last few summers, even as sick as he was, he would bring an old aluminum frame lawn chair out to the shop and just sit and watch Marq work...and talk to him....after he died.....Marq started cleaning up and really remodeling the shop.....making it fully functioning. He put lights back in the clock and cleaned it all up.......and he and his dad have spent the last few months getting things all set up. I love that I have the clubhouse and he has his shop. I love that we both have our places to go and work where we get to do what we love.
As I look at these photos, they make me think about what a good man this is....and all that he teaches me every day.....I'm going to put some quotes in here that remind me of him. I love that I was able to spend some time capturing this place and him in it....this summer I am hoping to CAPTURE A SOUL ON FILM as often as I can.....I want to do this with all of the people I hope is to inspire you to do the same...capture, really really SEE the people you love....and take some time to put it all together. I am so thankful for these photos.
Have a very good reason for everything you do.
~Laurence Olivier
The only guy I have to get better than is who I am right now.
~M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter
My grandfather once told me that there are two kinds of people: those who work and those who take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was less competition there.
~Indira Gandhi
Quality means doing it right when no one is looking.
~Henry Ford
Every job is a self-portrait of the person who does it.
Autograph your work with excellence.
~Author Unknown
I never had a policy; I have just tried to do my very best each and every day.
~Abraham Lincoln
So here he is fixing the clock. It had 50 years of dust and oil and grime. He took it all apart and cleaned it and fixed it. He misses his granddad so much...and this is a little reminder of him, lighting up the shop every day......reminding us that time is precious and the people are what matter. He also loved to work...there was a story told at his funeral about how his friends used to always tell him that he needed to stop working so hard, that he was going to kill himself from working so much and so hard...he was telling that story in his late 80's....and he said...all of the people that said that to me are dead I must have done something right!!! I love that.
When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad. That's my religion.
~Abraham Lincoln
Feeling blessed today to love and to be loved by him.
He is my dream guy.
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