Thursday, September 29, 200
Taking Care of Ourselves
I seriously CAN NOT WAIT for a few years to go by, when the dust settles, and I can give you a detailed account of everything that has happened in my life in the last few's just too soon to give details....but, I sure plan on telling a lot of stories someday...because there's lots of miracles that have taken place that blow my mind.....but usually for a miracle to be performed...there has to be something really difficult to work through....that's why it's a miracle when it 'happens'....I sincerely feel like it's a miracle that I am still standing! :) When I talk to my therapist, and my makes them tired just to think about the 'pickles' that I get myself into....yeh, try living it for a while!!! ha ha ha.....well, I took all of these big goals on and I am going to make them happen, no matter what.....but let me tell has not been easy for one second. I don't understand from day to day how so many things can fall apart and then get put back together.....bigger and better....but the time when things are falling apart is the most important time of your life....because YOU have to decide if you have the fortitude to put it all back together....remember that quote by C.S., I'll put it in again....
God the Builder
"Imagine yourself as a living house. God comes in to rebuild that house. At first, perhaps, you can understand what He is doing. He is getting the drains right and stopping the leaks in the roof and so on: you knew that those jobs needed doing and so you are not surprised. But presently He starts knocking the house about in a way that hurts abominably and does not seem to make sense. What on earth is He up to? The explanation is that He is building quite a different house from the one you thought of — throwing out a new wing here, putting on an extra floor there, running up towers, making courtyards. You thought you were going to be made into a decent little cottage: but He is building a palace. He intends to come and live in it Himself."
-C.S. Lewis
Yesterday on my way to work I was thinking about it all......I was really meditating and thinking deeply and the words came into my head and my heart...."FOCUS ON SOLUTIONS...FORGET THE PROBLEMS" ....and, I started really thinking about that....about what that really means and about what it COULD mean in terms of what a different kind of life we could have if we just looked our 'problems' in the face, examined them and saw what they really were....then moved on and focused on the solutions...never looking back (except to be thankful for the lessons....and the opportunity we've had to grow....)
I tried that out yesterday....and it was a huge blessing for me to start the day out with that perspective...because it was a horrible was like I was being tested.....the morning started out with something HORRIBLE happening, .....and, I just thought....ok, I am going to focus on solutions for, I got my little advisor team together and said....from now on...we don't talk about the problems after we know exactly what they are....we only talk about solutions.............and they said...ok!!
So....the day was highly stressful, and scary and overwhelming...and I had to pull myself back into the space of solutions at least 4396 times.....but, I did it.....
....and, I was driving home from work the same way I was driving TO work.....with tears in my eyes from exhaustion and fear and 'how in the heck am I EVER going to be able to pull this off?".....
....and then I got a phonecall and to tell me that 'we got it all figured's going to be fact, it's going to be incredible" ....and I came home to an email that contained THE BIGGEST THING that has ever happened in the history of my business.....oh, I wish I could tell you!!! ....and I will! It's going to be a ton of work, and really scary....and all of that....but THAT'S OK!!!!!! If we focus on the solutions, it's going to be amazing and wonderful........
And, the only reason that I am telling you this is because this is a NOT a unique situation...this is the way life works....and it works this way for everyone....and there is SO much power in it.......and I want everyone to experience living this way......the way that you live when you know that you are being "renovated", not are being refined, not are being sanctified, not evaporated......when you FOCUS ON SOLUTIONS and put your problems behind you.....
It doesn't matter what the problem really doesn't.....problems are problems and pain is pain is bigger or smaller than anyone else's......BUT, one thing remains.......if you focus on the solutions, the problems lose all of their power over you......look UP, not down....the answers are UP. Look into the light and not the darkness........learn the details of the problem and then forget them....focus on the solutions.
I really believe that this is one of THE BEST WAYS I can think of to take good care of ourselves....because life can get so overwhelming and really take everything good out of is meant to be enjoyed...that's what was always intended for us....focus on solutions.
Have a great day......gotta go work on my marriage book! :)
p.s. Marq is still making improvements every day....thanks for all of the concerned emails......and prayers.
Lots of Love,