September 25, 2006
Goals That Matter
Back in the Saddle...again.....
So, I’m back on the wagon…back in the saddle……trying out spinning….I have been not so good lately about exercising and eating right, after that whole big long speech I gave about the importance of exercising and eating right and about how FOR SURE I am definitely in a lifelong habit of it……never to turn away……….HA!!!
1 year ago I was in the best shape of my life…remember that photo I posted….ugh….that was hard work……then, I got tired and I went on a trip and the food in Africa was so good….and I didn’t get up every day and exercise there, either…and guess what? I GOT OUT OF THE HABIT!!! Caaaaan youuuuu belieeeeeve thaaaaat???? HOW EMBARRASSING!! I am so totally mad at myself because I am pretty sure I’ve gained more than 10 pounds on the last few months…..but, I am back on the wagon….and working hard again…..
And….I did spinning for the second time today and it is SO HARD. It is a new thing for me and it makes me feel like I have never worked out in my entire life….I am a total dork on that bike…I am serious….I don’t have the right shoes and I have to squeeze my big sneakers into those plastic cage thingees, instead of having the cool shoes that clip into the pedal….and, I don’t have the right shorts so…well, you know……and, I was totally huffing and puffing even though I can run 4 miles….or do the stairmaster forever and still leave being able to breathe….it was hard and I was the newbee and it reminded me of when I first stepped into the gym 6 years ago and went to my first kickboxing class……
I think I was invented to be the girl who is here to make everyone else feel good about themselves….by that, I mean that when I was on the front row in kickboxing (where I really had to be so I could watch the instructor closely because I am so uncoordinated)…anyway, when I was on that front row….every girl in that class felt so good about herself because she could say…. “wow, at least I am not as bad at kickboxing as that girl in the front row!”
And…that is ok……..
That’s how I felt in spinning today, but I was there, and I finished a really long one hour class, then I did 100 sit ups and took on the day…..
…..another start-over, do-over, get-over-it and move on….and that’s what life is all about….what was your spinning class today???
….I bet you wondered why I wasn’t pushing you so hard on the fitness challenge, huh? You see, I am thinking that God humbles us whenever we think we are super-cool or super-good at something….and shows us….that we have to get back up every day and try try try…..that we are never ‘there’…..that it’s always a journey…..
…, here I go again. I want to get back into shape before Christmas….anyone with me? Again? Goals….we can do this.
Hope you’re having a great Monday….thanks for your friendship….and just for everything….I love you guys.